TCPCCC is concerned with both the prevention and intervention aspects of building stronger Christian individuals, couples, and families. We offer such ministries as counseling services, pre-marital education, divorce recovery workshops, grief support groups, crisis intervention, as well as a host of other ministries aimed at strengthening people through Jesus Christ and the power of His Word.

TCPCCC is made up of a group of licensed Christian counselors and volunteers whose aim is to help you in your pursuit of a more fulfilling life in Christ. 

We define Christian counseling as: A relational process in which a faithful follower of Christ utilizes his or her God-given gifts, training, knowledge, and experiences, following the direction of the Holy Spirit, in the task of walking with others toward spiritual maturity, emotional health, cognitive truth, relational stability, and behavioral accountability in a caring and supportive environment.

Our hope and prayer for you as you begin your Christian Counseling journey is that your life will be forever changed through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. The Holy Spirit works through our Christian counselors through the truth and power of His Word. As you begin your counseling experience here at TCPCCC, we want you to be aware of a few things that are essential if your counseling is to produce results that are lasting. 

1. The Christian counseling you receive at TCPCCC is drawn from God’s Word – it is done in accordance with and not contrary to any teaching of God’s Holy Scriptures.

2. Christian counseling, when done with authenticity, is always more concerned with heart transformation than with simply alleviating symptoms.

3. Heart change often begins with changing one’s thinking. We ask that you be open to thinking in ways that you might not be accustomed.

4. Christian counseling is a process that usually requires more than one session. We ask that you be committed to the process of learning new ways of thinking and behaving in order to develop change that will last beyond the Christian counseling experience.

We hope you are ready to examine your own life and make appropriate changes through the counseling process, so that the Fruit of His Spirit (Galatians 5:22) will reign in your life. We are excited to be involved in this journey with you and we pray that your heart is ready for the God of Healing to touch your life, your marriage, and your family!

Derek Pearce, Ph.D., LPC

Minister of Counseling, Broadmoor Baptist Church